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Guest Review: Picking Up The Pieces by Michelle Louise

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Picking up the Pieces

Book: Picking Up The Pieces
Author: Michelle Louise
Genre: Romance
Release Date: November 30, 2014

After staying home for her first two years of college, Sawyer Jameson is now ready to join her best friend at State and get a fresh start. Her original plan to leave for college right after high school was uprooted and caused more damage than intended. Knowing she might run into her past in the new city, instead she ran right into the arms of Preston Wright.

It didn’t take long and she was finding happiness and enjoying the journey. Sawyer and Preston were growing close, but the past was never far behind. Secrets are revealed and questions are answered, all leaving her heart in pieces.

Guest Review by Lora Jarvis

Rating: 4 of 5 Hearts

The overall message I took from the book was that it was a story of friendship and the stages of friendship as we go through the stages of life. Sawyer and Austin have known each other their entire lives. Their relationship was easy because they already knew each other and connected well with each other. Sawyer and Preston are new to each other and have to learn the quirks, likes, dislikes and more about each other.

For a debut novel, this story is well thought out and entertained me from the get go. Though Sawyer is a young heroine, she still isn’t whiney like some we find in modern romances.

She was forced to put her life on hold to help her family, but she doesn’t feel bad about that at all. She embraces the role she has had to take on, but is eager to see what the future holds.

Sawyer and Austin were each other’s first loves and they really didn’t ever see anyone else for either of them, but Sawyer’s need to stay behind while Austin went on to the four year university put a damper on their relationship and forced them to break up. Now almost a year later, Sawyer is attending the same university as Austin and is apprehensive about what she may find there.

I appreciate that the author didn’t force Sawyer into an immediate relationship once she was at school and that Austin and Sawyer didn’t immediately pick back up where they left off.

WIthout giving away the story, Sawyer’s relationships still have ups and downs and there are definite times when she isn’t in the best place. I love that she gets to experience life and share it all with her best friend/roommate, too.

One of my favorite lines in the story comes from a memory Sawyer has later in the book:

“Our friendship will last as long as this tree stands.” At thirteen it was the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me.

I love all of the characters in this story despite times when I wanted to shoot some of them. There isn’t anything bad I could say except maybe a few grammatical errors which were fairly easy to overlook as the story took over your mind anyway.

Michelle Louise is the name used for two friends who share an obsession in reading. Both had a dream of writing and together they planned and plotted to accomplished their goals. The experience they shared while writing Picking up the Pieces only solidified their new shared obsession with writing. :)

We love to hear from any of our readers!

Email: michellelouise1231@gmail.com

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