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 A little about Reading in Sarah's Corner book blog. During the day, I work a demanding job that I love. While at night, playing supermom as I down my coffee.

 Over the past three years, my love for books has only grown. I have read and reviewed over 400 books and still love that excitement I get every time I start a new book.

 There is no one genre that owns by heart. I am a lover of all genres. If you can combine multiple genres in one book I might just squeal. I mean who doesn’t want a good romance, mystery, and paranormal book all rolled up in a pretty bow! Or what about a romance/suspense book that scares the bejebus out of you while giving you that curveball you never saw coming! Yes, please! I will take that bad boy any day.  

So, if you would like someone to read your book and blab to all her friends about it, you have found the right blog!

Don't be shy stop by and say hi!

Sarah Reads


