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Review: Lakeshore Sanitarium by K.C. Harper

by - 2:00 AM


Author: K.C. HarperTitle: The Lakeshore Evil
Genre:  | Horror |
Release Date: October 31, 2014

The town of Lakeshore lets in no outsiders, so when Deirdre Hallsey sold Jacob Reilly's house to the Elktons, everyone was surprised. Deirdre kept her promise to Jacob by selling it to a family with children. However, an unfortunate accident left Katie Elkton dead on the basement floor. Her death was the catalyst that triggered the true evil that lived beneath the Reilly house.

The house always seemed to have a sinister feel to it that could never be explained. Years after the Elktons abandoned the place, the mayor sold the house to the Haggler family. Then, on a horrific night in May, an evil so sinister overtook Deputy Alana Sachs, killing her and everyone in the house except two, Deirdre Hallsey, who is now a patient in Lakeshore Sanitarium, and her daughter Skye.

The town thought the evil was gone after that night, but when strange things started happening in Lakeshore Sanitarium, people questioned whether the evil was truly gone. Could it be something in the Reilly house? Has the evil followed Deirdre into the Sanitarium? Patients are dying and a little boy is seen lurking in the halls on the fifth floor. Will Deirdre be able to survive? Can the evil be stopped, or will it be too late for the patients in the Sanitarium?

Unanswered questions bring Mr. Singer, who was once Anderson Haggler’s assistant, back to Lakeshore. Can he uncover the deep dark secrets of the house on Sedgewood Drive, or will the evil also claim his life?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkJAwwyT9D8?feature=player_detailpage]

Rating: 5 of 5 Hearts

WOW! Hold onto your seats ladies! K.C. Harper hits this one out of the park. This story is fast paced and never slows down. The moment I started reading I knew I would be scared out of my mind while my eyes devoured every detail of this book. I was addicted and needed to know what all K.C. had up her sleeve! And there was a lot! This book is fanatic!

I never would have guessed K.C. would have so many new and old characters throughout this story intertwined. She flawlessly bounces between stories and not once did I go huh or get lost. She makes sure it’s seamless even if she is teasing us with some information we need to know. If you thought her web of goodies was intense last book… Just wait! I think I said OH. MY. GOD! At least ten times.

I can say that the sanitarium book scared the daylights out of me. The detail that describes the scenes had my little imagination in overdrive. I loved all the gory detail. I am a very vivid reader and I could place myself right there with Sheriff Donovan, Dr. Constance, Skye Hallsey, and many more as the story unfolded. This book has enough detail to scare the crap out of you and character depth that I would love to see it on the screen someday.

Sheriff Donavon is my favorite character in this book. I felt for him and loved watching his intuition take over has he worked on putting all the pieces together.

My girl Skye Hallsey scared me a few times during this book. This girl is to nosy for her own good sometimes.

I am afraid if I say any more I will give something away!

By the way K.C. you have officially scared me with two songs now! I’d sing one if it wouldn’t give things away! Don’t you evil cackle at me either!

Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, K.C. Harper is an avid reader of romance, murder/mystery and horror embarking on a journey into the horror genre with "The Lakeshore Evil" as the debut novel. K.C. Harper also writes in the Romance genre so make sure to check out her upcoming releases! You can follow K.C. Harper on social media and purchase her books on Amazon.


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