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Cover & Blurb reveal: Songbird Freed by Lisa Edward

by - 12:03 AM


My name is Tara O’Connell, and I’ve always believed we
control our own fate. That life is a journey with many roads, and the choices
we make can shape our future.

Life has presented me with two paths and I’ve chosen

Was it right? Did I make the best decision?

After the uncertainty of the last twelve months, my
destiny is now crystal-clear to me. I have a man I love more than words can
express, a thriving business, and the best friends anyone could ask for. But
just when I thought I could put the turmoil of my past behind me and move on, a
life-changing phone call has rocked me to the core and turned my life upside-down
once more.

To make matters worse, influences outside my control
have taken hold and are shattering my perfect world.

But some things are worth fight for.



Dreams can come true and I’ll do everything
in my power to make them happen. But dreams can also be smashed into tiny
pieces, and no matter how hard we fight or how hard we wish for something to
be, sometimes with the hand we’ve been dealt, we can never win.


About the Author

While Lisa Edward has called Melbourne Australia
home for her entire life, she has lived and worked in England, and travelled
through most parts of Europe and the United States. She loves nothing more than
spending time with her husband and beautiful daughter, or curling up into the
early hours of the morning with a great novel. By day, Lisa works in the
analytical IT field, so relishes the opportunity to foster her creative side
through writing. Her deep appreciation for literature was nurtured from a young
age, being taught to respect books and get lost in their stories. She enjoys
reading honest and realistic novels that are relatable, thought provoking and
leave a lasting impression. She can’t write without music playing, using the
emotions from different songs to invoke that of her characters. Lisa takes
inspiration from her own life experiences, the people around her and those she
has met in her travels.

 Other Books in the Series

Book 1: Songbird

Book 2: Songbird Caged



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