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October Author Spotlight:

by - 4:45 AM



Let us get acquainted with a few basic questions:

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, is it different with each book or series?

Absolutely! Music is my muse. There’s a musical inspiration behind each of my books and can often be felt in the emotions of the chapter I’m writing. Without the right music, I’m lost. I literally create playlists for each book, and keep them as a reminder of what I was thinking when I was writing certain moments of a story.

Name someone other than a family who has been a huge supporter during your writing career.

That’s difficult to answer, actually, because there are so many. Penny, Marcie, Jackie, Mary, Amber, Sarah, Mariah…the list really is limitless. I could name names all day. I feel utterly blessed to have as many supporters as I do.

How has becoming an author changed you?

I’m a total Diva, duh! LOL. Not really. I think it’s made me develop a deeper respect for all of those authors that I’ve idolized all these years. This isn’t as easy as it seems. People believe that all a writer does is sit on their ass and write, but they don’t understand the planning, sleepless nights, worrying, stress, and in the end sense of accomplishment that is involved with writing a book. I wouldn’t give this up for anything though. Writing is more than a hobby. It’s a passion.

Where did the idea of your current book come from?

In truth, it came to me while I was having sex with my husband. Yep, I admit it! It was a hot, wild night, and my creative juices, along with other juices, were flowing. After we were finished, I cleaned up then sat down and jotted down the whole idea in my journal. It expanded from there.

Is it hard for you to decide what the titles of your books will be?

I love titling a book. It’s writing a synopsis that I hate. How do you take a 50,000+ word manuscript and break it down to 500 words and still keep the readers interest. AGH!! Nightmare!

Tell me about your book.

Indulgence is a story about a woman in her early thirties who has basically given up on men. She’s invited to a sex party hosted by a famous author and spends her evening learning about the carnal side of her nature as she gets to know an employee of the author who introduces her to the world of Indulgence.

How much research did the book take?

LOTS! You’d be surprised how much research goes into writing a book about a sex party. You’d think all you have to do is write about hot sex, but there are worlds in which specific fetishes require specific details. I’ve been floored at the stuff I’ve uncovered (pun totally intended).

What is your next writing adventure?

I will be writing the final installment of The Truth in Lies Saga. The Truth Be Told will be written in both McKenzie and Drew’s point of views. Set in Boston, McKenzie and Drew must face Olivia with the truth of their relationship. Old characters will be returning and new ones will be making their appearance, as we finally meet Drew’s twin sister, Andie.

It’s going to be explosive!

When can I start stalking you for details on your next book release?

Now! Indulgence is expected to be released December 2, 2014.

Can you give me a little something from your next writing project to tease your fans with?

I nearly swallowed my own tongue. My gaydar must be off. I hadn’t taken David to be gay.
A languid grin teased the corner of his mouth, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. “I’m not gay, but once inside there, your sexual preference doesn’t matter. It’s all about letting yourself explore the realms of your body and sexuality. So, before you ask, yes, I’ve been with men before, but I do prefer woman.”

Who designed your cover?

Jada D’Lee Designs does all of my covers. She’s absolutely amazing. I recommend her to every author looking for a cover designer.

Is it hard for you to decide on the cover?

Sometimes. The cover has to set the mood for the story. It’s a picture representation of what I’ve written. Thankfully, Jada has this wonderful ability to see things visually and creates beautiful pieces of art to accompany my work. I’d be lost without her.



 Song Title Answers:


What’s one place you have always wanted to visit?

Landing in London (3 Doors Down)

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

The Streak (Ray Stevens)

What is your favorite place to visit?

Viva Las Vegas (Elvis)

What is one thing that has stuck with you from childhood?

Everything Has Changed (Taylor Swift)

What is your favorite time of day?

It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere (Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet)

Who do you admire?

Sweet Child O’ Mine (Guns N’ Roses)



Down and Dirty:


Married? Divorced? Single? In a serious relationship with your current book boyfriend?


Name a few (and I use that term liberally) of your favorite books. All the Harry Potter books, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Izzy Chronicles by Michelle Graves, The Georgina Kincaid Series by Richelle Mead, and Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson…just to name a few.

Have you ever taken more than one book boyfriend to bed with you?

*shifty eyes* Ummmm…shhh…don’t tell my husband, but yes. HEHE

Strangest place you’ve had sex?

Behind a Putt-Putt Golf and Games

Name two actors or actresses (or a combination of both) you would want to have a threesome with.

Damn! Only two?! Well, if I can only pick two it would be Chris Pine and Corey Stoll.




Jeanne McDonald began telling stories at the ripe young age of five, when her mother considered the truth to be a lie due to her extensive embellishment to the retelling of an event. She wrote her first short story when she was twelve years old, and at the age of sixteen she tried her hand at poetry. She reconnected with her love for writing in 2010 thanks to the encouragement of a dear friend.

Her passions include a "mild" Starbucks addiction, music, reading, quotes, movies, and romance. When she's not spending time with her family, she can be found reading, writing, chatting with her friends or diligently working toward her bachelor's degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. A proud Texan, Jeanne currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her family.


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A Ray of Hope

The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga I)

The Certainty of Deception (The Truth in Lies Saga II)

Coming Soon


The Truth Be Told (The Truth in Lies Saga III)

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