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October Author Spotlight: Michelle Graves

by - 2:11 PM

Let's take a few moments and get acquainted with one another.

      Do you listen to music while you write? If so, is it different with each book or series?

MG: Music is a HUGE part of my writing process.  Each book has a different playlist with music for each scene/emotional shift.  I’m pretty sure iTunes loves that I’m a writer…. my bank account, on the other hand, not so much.

      What book influenced you the most growing up?

MG: I was addicted to the Nancy Drew series growing up.  I couldn’t get enough of the mysteries and her spunky attitude.  She is such a great heroine and role model for young girls, I think.  With her tenacious spirit and self-reliance, she taught me how to be strong.

     What is your writing style? Do you outline or just write it as it comes to you and let the story unfold as you write?

MG: I have an idea of where the story will go, but honestly, everything just unfolds as I write it.  I’m often just as surprised as readers with the turns the stories can take.

      How has becoming an author changed you?

MG:  I’ve had to toughen up quite a bit.  I tend to be overly sensitive about EVERYTHING, so throwing my books out into the world to be judged was terrifying.  Along the way, I’ve learned to take criticism without taking it personally, which is HUGE for me.

     Where did the idea of your current book come from?

MG:  Izzy showed up in my mind one day, her story ready to be told, and she wouldn’t go away until I sat down and wrote it out.  I know that is strange, but that’s how all of my story ideas are.  They show up, these fully formed characters ready to have their story shared with the world.

      Is it hard for you to decide what the titles of your books will be?

MG:  Absolutely.  Naming a book is almost as hard as naming a child.  When I started naming The Chronicles of Izzy books, I wanted them to be something themed and kind of punny.  She is a Seer, hence all of the books are titled “She How She….”  Plus, it is sort of a play on the old See Spot Run books.  I love puns.  I can’t help myself.

   How much research did the book take?

MG:  This series took quite a lot of research.  I wanted to be sure I represented things as accurately as I could.  Even though it is firmly in the land of make-believe/fantasy, it is rooted in historical facts.

      Is there a message you hope your reader grasps?

MG:  I hope readers take away a message of hope.  Izzy embodies strength, and I think that her ability to persevere even in the darkest of times, delivers a message of courage.  I want to be Izzy when I grow up.  Ultimately, she handles situations the way I wish I could.

      What is your next writing adventure?

The Chronicles of Izzy is coming to an end with the last book releasing at the beginning of November, so I am getting ready to take on two different projects.  The first will be a series of romantic comedy short stories called the Misadventures of Maggie Moore.  It is a HUGE departure from my fantasy world, but I think it will be nice change of pace to cleanse the palate before I tackle my next series.  Plus, her series is just going to be a blast to write.  The second project is a series called The Alchemy Contingency.  The first book in that series will be Emmaline and it is a post-apocalyptic/dystopian series that will come out sometime this coming Spring.

1Who designed your cover?

MG:  Syd Gill from Syd Gill designs.  She is seriously made of magic!  I want her to design all of the covers in the entire universe.  I can’t say enough good things about her!

The only series she won’t be designing the covers for is the Maggie Moore series.  I am designing those.

1Is it hard for you to decide on the cover?

MG:  Absolutely. I judge books by their covers, so I want mine to be something that I would want to read just by looking at the cover.  I’m what you might call a difficult client, my cover artist has threatened to bite me on more than one occasion, but ultimately I don’t want to have to revamp my covers.  What I have now, I want to last forever.


Please answer the following questions with either a song title or book title.

What’s one place you have always wanted to visit?

MG: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

MG: Where Do I Even Start? (Morgan Taylor Reid)

What is your favorite place to visit?

MG: Dark Paradise (Lana Del Rey)

What is one thing that has stuck with you from childhood?

MG: Lightness (Death Cab for Cutie)

What is your favorite time of day?

MG: O Holy Night (Nat King Cole version… of course)

Who do you admire?

MG: Angel (Sarah McLachlan)

Pink vintage pillow talk

 Pillow Talk

Married?  Divorced?  Single?  In a serious relationship with your current book boyfriend?

Married to the best man in the entire universe.  Seriously, he is made of AMAZING!  I’m the luckiest woman on the planet to have snagged him up.  We have been married for seven years and it just keeps getting better!

Name a few (and I use that term liberally) of your favorite books.

Anything by Penny Reid, Molly Harper, Meljean Brook, Rae Carson, Kim Harrison….seriously, the list is too long!

Hollywood called; they want you to cast the roles for the latest book you reviewed.  What is that book and who would your dream cast be?

I would love for The Chronicles of Izzy to be made into something… either tv or movie.  I think it would be amazing.  As far as casting, I would want it to be relatively unknown actors/actresses.  I’m all about giving people the chance that I got when I started writing.  I want to pay it forward in any way that I can!

What was your biggest fan girl (or boy) moment?

I was signing at an event with Penny Reid, and I seriously embarrassed myself.  She was so sweet about it, but I turned into a blubbering moron every time I spoke to her!

Michelle  Graves 

Michelle Graves is a self-proclaimed nomad, moving every two to three years with her husband the Army man, her beautiful daughter, and a fat tailless cat named Torri. When she is not writing away trying to purge her mind of yapping characters she can be found entertaining her daughter, attempting to craft (whilst trying not to injure herself with the glue gun), baking yummy treats, or reading. She admits to having a restless spirit and forces her family to go out on adventures whenever possible. They lovingly play along. If you want to find out more about her be sure to check out her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mgraveswrites or on her blog http://michellegraveswrites.blogspot.com/

**See How She Runs (FREE!!!!!)**

If you have not checked out the Izzy Chronicles you should! I absolutely love Izzy! 


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