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Release Day Blitz & Review::: My Father's Rival by Fiona Davenport

by - 8:58 AM

My Father’s Rival
A Silver Saints MC Novella
Fiona Davenport
Genre: Contemporary/Erotic Romance



*Available on Kindle Unlimited*

Jared “Mac” MacKenzie is used to making tough decisions as the President of the Silver Saints MC. When a member of a rival MC puts one of his brothers in a coma, he’ll do whatever it takes to get answers—including kidnapping Bridget Pierce, their president’s daughter.


by Lora
4 out of 5 stars

I love the quick novellas from Fiona Davenport. You can enjoy the read in a couple of hours and get a full story with plenty of heat and a little suspense, too.

Mac and Bridget should NEVER have ended up anywhere together, but from the first scene you know something is going to happen just because it shouldn’t.

Mac kidnaps Bridget which is a funny scene in itself since she basically assists him in kidnapping her making his job so much easier than it should have been. But when you’ve fought a crush on an older guy as long as you can remember and find him in your bedroom, what else are you to do?

The story was simple, sexy and heartwarming.

I stalked to my hog and got on, slamming my foot down on the kick starter. Scout’s engine revved and I looked jerkily in his direction. Bridget was sitting on the back of his bike, her slim arms wrapped around Scout’s torso. Even though Scout already had an old lady, something inside me howled in protest at the sight of her clinging to him. To anyone but me. It didn’t seem to matter that she was too fucking young for me. Too sweet and innocent.
“Fuck,” I muttered before yelling to be heard over the noise from the bikes, “Bridget! Get over here.”
Scout’s head pivoted, and he smirked at me before helping her off the seat. I scowled darkly, my eyes threatening retribution if he said even one fucking word. Bridget hesitated when she caught sight of my expression. I held out my hand and beckoned her forward with my fingers, softening my look so she wouldn’t be afraid.
I handed her a helmet and fastened the straps, tucking her red hair out of her face. “Hop on, baby,” I growled. “We need to get the fuck outta here.”
She climbed on and wrapped her arms around me tightly. Her tits pressed flush against my back, and I could feel her heart racing. I rarely let any woman ride with me but when I had, it had never felt this good. She fit me like a glove. Shaking my head, I tried to dispel the thoughts invading my mind and took off like a bat outta hell.
We reached the Silver Saints compound a little less than an hour later. Once inside the main garage, I shut off my bike and helped Bridget to her feet. As she swung her leg over, she lost her balance and went tumbling into my chest.
Son of a bitch. Riding with her wrapped around me had made me hard as fuck but when she was pressed against my front, I thought my dick was gonna burst through my damn jeans. She looked up at me with wide, deep blue eyes, her pink lips slightly parted, and her skin flushed. I could too easily imagine how she would look after being thoroughly fucked and I shoved her away quickly, trying to get some control.
I hadn’t kidnapped her to make her my play-thing. I didn’t roll that way—she was simply leverage for the swap. I had no intention of corrupting Pierce’s innocent little princess, no matter how tempting the idea was. The last thing I needed was to jeopardize the plan by getting involved with her. Besides, I reminded myself, she’s too damn young for you. I was old enough to be her motherfucking father.

**All books available on Kindle Unlimited**


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Hello! My name is Fiona Davenport and I'm a smutoholic. I've been reading raunchy romance novels since... well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of awesome since I've always wanted one.



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