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COVER REVEAL :::: The Sounds of Secrets by Whitney Barbetti

by - 10:39 AM

Title: The Sounds of Secrets
Author: Whitney Barbetti
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo: Braadyn Penrod
Release Date: December 6, 2017


I've been in love with him forever.

But to him, I've always been off-limits. Until the night that changed everything.

Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the secrets we shared. Maybe he finally opened his eyes and saw me.

By the time the sun rose, I’d lost him again, my heart shattering on his parting words: “It was a mistake.” So I ran. Ran until I was thousands of miles away, in a country I didn't know, surrounded by people who only made me miss him more.

I never expected him to follow me … or to pry more secrets from my soul. In exchange, he gave me more of his secrets too.

How was I to know it was the secrets we didn’t share, the words we didn’t dare utter, that would tear us apart?

Author Bio

I am a wife to one and a mom to two humans and one cat. I have a deep and abiding love for nachos - especially the kind with the liquid cheese, like from Taco Bell (sorry). I run on less than four hours of sleep thanks to copious amounts of Diet Coke. (Note: this paragraph is not sponsored by anyone except my hungry stomach.)

As a Navy brat, I grew up all over the country, from California and up the east coast from Florida to New England and Colorado. I currently live in Idaho, where we have lots of potatoes and windmills.

I write character-driven contemporary romance novels, heavy on the emotional connection. I LOVE love. I love writing about broken characters who find their soul mates.

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