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RELEASE BLITZ :: The Author Diary 2018 by Lauren Clarke

by - 7:35 PM

Title: The Author Diary 2018
Author: Lauren Clarke
Genre: Non-Fiction
Release Date: November 30, 2017


Make 2018 your best writing year yet!

The Author Diary is the perfect tool for every author to keep them on track for the year ahead. With spaces for you to put in weekly writing goals and word-count tallies, this is bound to help you get things done in 2018.

Features include:

  • Monthly articles: Words of wisdom from industry professionals to inspire you on your writing journey, no matter which stage you're at
  • Noteworthy quotes: Writing gurus offer words of advice on the craft we all love (and sometimes, love to hate)
  • Goal-setting space: Weekly and monthly goal-setting space from both a word-count and marketing perspective

Set yourself up for the best start to 2018 possible—with The Author Diary. Let's make your dreams happen together. 

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Author Bio

Lauren Clarke is an editor of fact and fiction, specialising in the romance genre. With more than fifteen years experience in the publishing industry, she is passionate about helping writers to create their perfect story. 

Lauren works in development, line and copy editing, helping you to finesse your story arc by eliminating plot holes, strengthening your characters and ensuring your pacing keeps readers turning the page. 

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