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Release Blast:: Sparks Of Deception Shattered Lives Series; Book 4 by Barb Shuler

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Sparks Of Deception
Shattered Lives Series; Book 4
Publish Date: November 29, 2017
Genre: Suspense/Thriller

Cover Design by: MadHat Books

Where there are sparks, there are flames.


Nothing is ever what it seems. When you think life is straight-forward, someone kicks your feet out from under you.

Starting a new journey in our lives was supposed to be a happy, joyous occasion… but things burst into flame. We have to fight to keep alive, keep breathing, and to find the answers to the questions swirling around us.

I found the love I'd been waiting for when I was thirteen. Today someone tried to take me away from her. They stalk and lay in wait for me to stumble.
But I'm going down swinging. Deception will do nothing to change what we have. Sparks may fly, but we'll fight the fire… together.

Amazon US : AU : CA : UK


I slid to the floor beside Lana and pulled my phone back out.
“Butterfly, can you look at me?” I asked, leaning down to make sure she was breathing. She had blood all over her face.
“Is she okay?” Carter asked, the anger in his voice set my own anger off.. I ignored him. I wasn’t sure if she was okay. I dialed Gramps.
“Kid, you should be in-”
“Gramps, there’s an emergency at the school. I need you... We need an ambulance. It’s Lana… she was attacked.”
“Shit. Alright, kid. I’m on my way. I’ll call in backup. Do not move her. I will call Abe at the station and get him and Riley there. Do you know who did it?”
“Yes, we have the assholes that attacked her. They have evidence all over them, too,” I said as I glared at both of the girls. They tried to get away from Sasha and - I think her name was Kate, but I wasn’t sure. They were both on the volleyball team, I knew that much. I leaned down and whispered to Lana as I squeezed her hand. “Hold on, baby. Help’s coming.”
“What’s going-” I looked up to see the biology teachers, Mrs. Trimble and Mr. Gardener standing there. It was only a moment before they jumped into action. Mr. Gardner cleared everyone out of the bathroom and Mrs. Trimble went to call the nurse. By the time the school nurse arrived Lana was starting to come around, or it seemed that way. She kept her still until the EMS crew arrived. It seemed to take forever for Abe and Riley to get to the school. The damn firehouse and EMS complex was a five minute walk for fuck’s sake.
I had ignored the she-beast when she showed up. I’d had enough of her this week as it was. Once Lana was on the stretcher and more alert Gramps and the others arrived. Charlie was going to ride with Lana to the hospital, so Carter and I could go to the principal's office and tell everyone what we knew. The moment I walked in and saw the cocky grin on Corey’s face I lost it. I charged him, but was stopped when Drew body checked me. His hands went to the side of my neck, making me look up at him as he shoved me back.
“Not here. Not now,” he snapped.
“What happened in the bathroom? And listen to me when I say I do not have the time nor the patience for bullshit,” Gramps said, glaring at the three students seated in front of the principal's office.
“Sheriff, they are underage, you cannot question them without a parent or legal representative here,” Miss Jennings stated, sounding bored. She was right, though. The girls were under eighteen.
“Corey is eighteen. He’s a fucking adult. He doesn’t need a parent,” I said. Drew pushed me back again when I took a step closer.
“I ain’t got shit to say,” Corey said, his narrowed gaze on me.
“Son, I will say this once. And I mean that. You are facing some serious charges. You beat up a minor child. If you are eighteen, you can and will be tried as an adult. As Officer Landry stated earlier when he read you your miranda, you have the right to remain silent. I suggest you sit there and stay quiet until you learn to speak in proper English and like you have a lick of sense,” Gramps said, turning to look at Jackson. “I want them all in cuffs. Now! They’re all under arrest for assault, causing a public disturbance and anything else that applies.”
“You can’t do that! She got what she deserved!” Ashlee screeched. Gramps turned back around to her and sneered.
“Little girl, no one deserves that. Not even the likes of you.” With that he walked off. Carter and I followed him out while Drew and Jackson got their prisoners in cuffs and escorted them to the waiting police cars.


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~Meet Barb Shuler~

I’m a Carolina Girl by right and a Texan by birth. Best of both worlds. I have the brass sass to keep up with my Texas sized temper. Living and working in both states i’ve learned a lot about hard work, adapting to your surroundings and making the best of the path that you have been led down. My grandma Dollie once told me I would know what I was meant to do when it happened. She was right, as always.
As with most book lovers, I am an avid reader. Reading has always been a hobby - a passion, really and a way to get lost in other people’s lives, their drama and other worlds. It’s a private movie in your imagination that you get to cast and navigate through, at your own pace. Reading helps to expand the perimeters of one's mind. That is what got me into writing. Writing has been something that I have done since I was a kid. If I had paper, I was writing. Nine out of ten times it made no sense but what are words if they are not to be used to your advantage? Words are a part of us all. Why not use them, right?
During the day I work as a ‘desk jockey’ and help the residents of my county navigate themselves around our little, but not too little country town. By night I am either blogging with my best friends, doing PA work for some of my favorite authors or fighting with the voices in my head. They can be stubborn at times. It’s a blessing and I am cherishing every moment. Tomorrow is never guaranteed so I want to make sure I live the day as fully as possible. For what is my creation, can become someone else's treasure.

~ Connect with Barb here ~

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