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Release Day Blitz::: Mechanic by Amber Bardan

by - 8:29 AM

There was one girl Michael knew like no other.
Her good side and her wicked.
Gabriella ran from her past and her shame. She turned from the part of herself that got the person she loved most into terrible trouble.
It's been so long now, it's like that past no longer exists.
When Michael sees Gabriella after a decade, the one thing he doesn't expect is that she'd have no idea who he is.
But Gabriella always liked to play dirty.
So what if he has to use his skills as a Mechanic to tamper with her engine?
He'll use every tool in his toolbox to remind her who he is and make sure she never forgets again.

After spending years imagining fictional adventures, Amber finally found a way to turn daydreaming into a productive habit. She now spends her time in a coffee-fuelled adrenaline haze, writing romance with a thriller edge.

She lives with her husband and children in semi-rural Australia, where if she peers outside at the right moment she might just see a kangaroo bounce by.

Amber is an award winning writer, Amazon Bestselling Author, and member of Romance Writers of Australia, Melbourne Romance Writers Guild, and Writers Victoria.

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