Release Day Blitz::: Game Breaker: The Loop by BJ Harvey
Title: Game Breaker
Series: The Game Series #5
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre: Romantic Comedy w/ Heat
Release Date: September 22, 2017

“You have changed, you know,” I say as he holds out his hand, trying to hail a cab coming down the street without any luck. His eyes slide to mine. “And how’s that?”
“You’re more aware of the world around you.”
“You can tell that after spending an hour with me?” he says with a quirked brow. I look at my phone and snigger. “An hour and a half actually.” The corner of his mouth tips up.
“My apologies. That extra thirty minutes makes all the difference apparently.”
“As a man, I thought you’d appreciate any extra time you can get.”
“Never had a problem with stamina. You of all people should remember that."

An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it.
She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.