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Release Blitz:: TRIHUNE SERIES by RB Austin

by - 7:00 AM


FALLEN REDEMPTION, The Trihune Series #1

trihune-series-1-0-fallen-redemptionCade committed himself to saving lives before he learned the full consequences of his life-altering decision. It wasn’t until he was tending his sick wife that he learned the enormity of what he’d done and he was unable to save her from the monster he had become. Consumed with guilt and praying for absolution, he threw himself into killing every Fallen he could find to save the humans he’d sworn to protect. But then Emma, deliciously mortal and completely forbidden, swept into his world, stirring an overpowering desire. Now he’s not only fighting soulless creatures, but also his inner cravings, trying to maintain his distance and continue on his path to forgiveness. He can’t afford to lose control again and sacrifice another love.


FALLEN DARKNESS, The Trihune Series #2

trihune-series-2-0-fallen-darknessThe war between Apollyon and the Trihune has begun. 
Lucas scours the street in need of a fix. He captures his enemy instead of kills. Spins lies instead of truth. Seeks darkness instead of light. So close to the edge with no concern for the fall.
The map was foretold. Its key long lost.
Sent on a mission to find the key necessary to defeat Apollyon, Lucas meets Kate. Fiery, powerful, unable-to-touch-any-object Kate. As his feelings for her grow, the addiction inside him wanes.
Until he learns she is not meant for him.
Find the key. Find the way and triumph.
His future with Kate is bleak. The darkness, too hard to control. The key, still lost.
Can Lucas win the battle raging inside his body in order to win the war rising on the streets?

FALLEN DEATH, The Trihune Series #3

trihune-series-3-0-fallen-deathHurt. Maim. Kill.
An explosive, volatile demon lives inside Sarid.
The monster seeks murder and destruction. The man seeks peace; or a silence that can only be found in death.
Until he meets her.
But his secret could ruin everything.
Trust her instincts.
Asjhone will do anything to keep her son safe. She conceals her terror during the day, but when the sun goes down, it’s locks, chains, and nightmares.
Until she meets him.
Sarid is everything she’s dreamed of. He adores her son, is kind, and would never hurt her.
But her secret could ruin everything.
Life is made up of choices.
Lose his life or lose his love? Run from her past or stand up and fight?
They must confront their pasts together, and fight for their future against a demon determined to win.
The Trihune Series
by RB Austin
Paranormal Romance
Soulmate Publishing
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About RB Austin

rb-austin-authore-photoRB Austin enjoys torturing dogs (dressing her Cairn terrier in knitted sweaters and booties), embarrassing her daughter (singing in the car . . . at the top of her lungs . . . with the windows open . . . at a stop light), and indulging in the second deadliest sin (chocolate, Swedish fish, chocolate, sour patch watermelons, and chocolate).
This author's love of the sun puts in her in the more-than-likely-not-a-vampire category, unless you're referring to the bloodsuckers in her Trihune series, then all bets are off.
Feeling stalkerish? Visit her website, www.rbaustin.com, and learn where she hangs out on the Interwebs.

RB's Links

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