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Release Blitz & Review::: Text 2 Lovers by K. Webster & J.D. Hollyfield

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Text 2 Lovers

Authors: K. Webster & J.D. Hollyfield
Publication Date: January 24, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy

It’s the start of nothing good. I fired off a storm of raunchy text messages…to the wrong number. And he replied. Him: Show me a picture. Him: Tell me your name. Why does the lure of anonymity have me craving to indulge a stranger? It’s the start of everything right. I received a slew of text messages…when everything in my life was wrong. And she made me laugh again. Her: You’re probably a creeper. Her: Possibly a stalker. Why do I have the overwhelming need to find this stranger who saved me and make her mine? Him: Take a chance with me. Her: This is crazy. Him: I need to see you. Her: What are we doing? Him: We’re about to find out. Her: PHOTO ATTACHED Him: PHOTO ATTACHED

4 1/2 out of 5 stars

This story was too cute! I loved the way the main characters bantered back and forth via text and then in person once they met. I loved the “extras” and the setting. I think the story was so well crafted considering it was co-authored, it still flowed smoothly.

Ram & Dani are each suffering from their recent breakups, but when Dani fires off a ranting text to what she thinks is her ex and it actually ends up with Ram their lives take an unexpected, but not unwelcome turn. I loved the way they got to know each other via text and then talking on the phone and randomly met in person...more than once even!  

This story was very creative and well written and I can’t wait for of these characters from these great authors!

About K. Webster

K Webster2 K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers. Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen. You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads! Website: www.authorkwebster.com Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bllgoP

About J.D. Hollyfield

Author JD Hollyfield J.D. Hollyfield is a creative designer and first-time author. When she’s not cooking, event planning, or playing around with her husband, son and three doxies, she’s relaxing with her nose in a book. With her love for romance, and her head full of book boyfriends, she was inspired to test her creative abilities and bring her own story to life. Life in a Rut, Love not Included is her first novel. Hollyfield lives in the Midwest, and is currently at work on her next book.

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