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Release Blitz & Review::: Boys, Toys - Oh My Vol 2 By A.M. Willard

by - 4:30 AM

Boys, Toys - Oh My Vol 2
By A.M. Willard
Genre: Romance

Is this what my life has become… Selling novelty items to couples…

I walked away from it all - the job, and the guy because he thought I was a stripper… The problem, I still want the guy, and I still blush at the word penis. Not as much, but the heat still rises when I stop to think about what I’m saying.

Yes, this is my new life and I have to find the confidence to live it like I own it.

I knew allowing her to walk away that night was a mistake… Now I have to find a way to show that I truly care about her, and maybe then she’ll understand that I can’t live my life without her.

The problem is she only wants to be friends, if that’s the only way I get her then it’ll have to be enough.

4 of 5 Hearts 

A.M. Willard is rocking this short story series!! Every story has left me dying for more! They are funny, hot, and something you can devour on a quick lunch break or while riding the train! 

Charlie has quickly become one of my favorite leading ladies! She is quirky, sweet, has snark for days, and knows exactly what she wants even if she will not admit it to herself. 

"Hell, who am I kidding it’s not just my body, it’s everything – my heart… my soul… my mind… When you crush on someone as hard as I was, apparently it just doesn’t go away."

In this episode, poor Charlie just could not get away from her annoying ex-boyfriend. I was right there with Cooper, I wanted to throttle that man constantly. Her ex was a thorn in everyone's side.  I have never cheered on a character to squash another like I did for Cooper. I was rooting for this sexy sweet man the entire time! 

“I did, but this one really stuck out to me. It was like she was drawing me, and it caused my heart to skip a beat,” he says so low" <-- Swoons. I really love this man. 

Thank god Charlie's meddling bestie Ginger! God, I love this woman. She really is a great addition to this story. 

I cannot wait to read more of these two! I need more now! 



****4.6 OUT OF 5 STARS***

“Laugh Out Loud Five Star Read!” ~ Iowa Gal

“Can’t go wrong with this book!” ~ Angi DeMonti

“Awesome funny read :)” ~ Caz

“Sweet, funny Rom-Com” ~ Xkoqueen

“Ohmigod...You need to One-Click now!!” ~ pb loves to read

Grab book one while it’s on sale for .99¢
(limited time)

Boys,Toys-OhMy cover.jpg

About the Author
International Bestselling Author, A.M. Willard resides in Savannah, Georgia. She joined the Peach State many years ago after leaving the crystal blue waters and sugary clear sand behind from the Panhandle of Florida. She's also known for being a wife, mother, and caretaker for her farm animals. A.M. loves anything sassy, glittery, and is a sucker for the Hallmark Channel. That last one might be the reason she believes in soulmates or it could be because she married her high school sweetheart almost twenty years ago.


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Facebook Reader Group: http://bit.ly/2cvozRF

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