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Promo Blast:: Daring Proposal by Jeanne St. James

by - 7:30 AM

jsj_dms2_daringproposalSince losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn’t dated. Her husband’s death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve’s determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence “Long Arm” Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog’s teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn’t planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it’s with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He’s never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn’t want to be with another man. Eve’s daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve’s fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

About the Book

Daring Proposal
by Jeanne St. James

Dare Menage #2

Erotic Romance


Publication Date
January 3, 2017


Buy Links
LooseId  |  Amazon  |  Kobo  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Google Play

The Dare Menage Series

dare-menage-1-0-double-dare-jeanne-st-james  dare-menage-2-0-daring-proposal

About Jeanne St. James

jeanne-st-james-author-picJEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Jeanne's Links

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