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Release Blitz::: Girls Breaking the Rules: Shelby by Kelsey Burns

by - 7:30 AM

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Book: Girls Breaking The Rules - Shelby
Series: Breaking The Rules
Author: Kelsey Burns
Genre: Erotic Romance
Cover Designer: Francessca's Romance Reviews
Hosted by: Francessca's Romance Reviews


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Meet Shelby; feisty, flirty and redheaded, she’s the object of desire to both boys and girls . . . which is fortunate, as that’s where her interests lie.

Openly bi-sexual, there isn’t much that can make this fashion photographer blush. Though her sexual exploits are legendary, beneath the bravado, her life isn’t quite as fulfilled.

Meet Eleanor Murphy, striking, blonde and beautiful, she’s the fire station’s newest recruit. When the pair meet, chemistry can’t be denied, but will Eleanor be another notch on Shel’s bedpost, or could she be the one to light the way?

Join Shelby, Tash and Lex for the heart-stoppingly sexy and amazingly entertaining conclusion to Girls Breaking The Rules.

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What Others Are Saying

This is a brilliant ending to the series as I feel all lose ends have been tied up, but I'd still love to see more of the girls as I'm addicted! ~ Blogging For The Love of authors and their books

Kelsey just shows with this book how far she has come. And I'm dying to see what 2016 has to bring for her. But more importantly I'm hoping and wishing for more from this gang ;) ~ Goodreads Review

Kelsey Burns certainly knows how to turn up the heat and this last installment in this trio of novellas does not disappoint. The author knows how to successfully combine touching moments with off the charts sexy ones. ~ Goodreads Review

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Other books in the series

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Girls Breaking The Rules – Tash

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Girls Breaking The Rules – Alexa

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About The Author

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I'm a fun loving girl who loves spending time with fellow authors, readers and bloggers discussing everything book related. This normally includes wine.

My next favourite thing is travelling. Soaking up the sun and sitting by the pool with my kindle is my idea of heaven.

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