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Friday Feature::: The Bargain by Lisa Cardiff

by - 7:15 AM

★★The Bargain★★
 (Vargas Cartel Series Book 1) 
by Author Lisa Cardiff​ is available on Amazon!

✯ #oneclick →→ http://amzn.com/B00U8ZYO1I
Paperback→→ http://amzn.com/1680580779


“The Bargain” (Book #1) 
“Unveiled” (Book #2) 
“Confessed” (Book #3) coming Fall 2015… 

Three weeks, twenty-one days, or five hundred and four hours… 

That’s all it took to derail my life and twist it into something unrecognizable. One moment I had Evan, the man I thought I’d marry. The next moment shattered the illusion. 

Now I have no one. 

Except him. 

Ryker Vargas, and I don’t really have him. He’d never belong to any one but himself. He sucked me into a web of lies and now it’s too late. I took the bait. I’m a prisoner of the Vargas Cartel. 

I never thought I’d be another statistic, another girl abducted in a foreign country, my entire future washed away by an impulsive, split second in time. 

But it’s true. 

My name is Hattie Covington and I’m a statistic, but statistics never tell the whole story.


★★ Meet the Author ★★
Lisa Cardiff

After spending years practicing law and a million other things, Lisa decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer and she must confess that inventing characters is so much more fun than writing contracts and legal briefs. A native of Colorado, she lives with her husband and three children in Denver.

Visit her http://www.lisacardiff.com/

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