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Guest Review::: Enough Secrets: Lies.Lust.Deceit Author: Alexis Riddley

by - 3:14 PM

Title: Enough Secrets: Lies.Lust.Deceit
Author: Alexis Riddley
Genre: Dark Erotic Thriller
Release Date: April 7, 2015

What if everything you had come to know about your life was a lie, complete and total fiction? Charlotte West had everything she ever wanted: The house, the status and the perfect husband in Winston. But that’s the trouble with appearances; they can be deceiving. Charlotte’s life had become a tangled web of ecstasy, rules, punishment and unparalleled pleasure at the hands of Winston, and his business partner, Aiden.

Charlotte never expected Winston was harboring secrets deeper than her own. She was clan-destined to lock more away into her vault of lies in order to portray the flawless illusion that the outside world has come to expect. 

On an ordinary day of no significance, Charlotte made a conscious decision to let go of the chains that were binding her together and prepared to unleash the carnage that was her soul onto the world. She no longer felt the need to please Winston, nor Aiden. She was prepared to deal with her decision. For the first time, she was going to be true to herself, and she was terrified.  

But when the cover is pulled back and decades of lies, lust and deceit are exposed; the question is, who would Charlotte be when everything was exposed? Would she come out on the other side as she had hoped, would years of walking the razors edge leave her broken; or was she lost forever?

Rating: 5 of 5 Hearts 

Chapter One FREAKED me out, but in a good way. As I started to read this book, by first time author Alexis Riddley, I couldn’t help but think that this could easily be made into a movie. I am sure that is a compliment to the writer and her vivid storytelling. The main character, Charlotte West arrives home and, you as the reader, are swept up into her world in such a shocking and unbelievable manner that you cannot help but read on.  Throughout I kept thinking...”did I just read that?”

Charlie (Charlotte) is married to Winston West and their marriage, like many, is far from perfect. As the title suggests, there are LIES and DECEIT. Would most women want to be treated like Charlotte in real life? Probably not. But this is fiction and as you read on, the book takes many turns as you watch their relationship evolve, mature and transform.  Just like in real life, there is always room for forgiveness and people can reinvent themselves and their relationships.

I didn’t really know what to expect, and I certainly don’t want to spoil this read for you, but you will have to experience it for yourself. Just know this, maybe what you think you feel in Chapter One is not necessarily what you’ll be feeling later on. I’m not sure that there are any other stories out there like this one.

Plus, there is plenty of LUST in the book to keep LIES AND DECEIT company. Don’t you just love it when a women author can write erotica so perfectly?  No lies or deceit here!

Rating: 5 of 5 Hearts 

*****Five WTF Stars

Holy eff balls?! I was captured immediately by new author Alexis Riddley’s debut novel Enough Secrets.

Traveling this crazy rollercoaster of the entanglement of Winston, Charlotte, and Aiden, I did not know what was going to happen with the turn of each page. Alexis has the ability to make you feel for certain characters, longing for one thing to happen, then BAM, what the hell??

Enough is a mind twist, with raging emotions from all points on the spectrum that can be felt. I do not want to go into the story deeply because I fear that I may give too much away, and this is a novel that should be experienced thoroughly. I felt for these characters, and as their secrets were revealed, the story became clearer and surprising.

It is dark, the ending not HEA. Be prepared for wanting a cold shower, stomach flips, gasps, and maybe a tissue too.
I am intrigued and definitely looking forward from more from Ms. Riddley.

Jen told me that she envisioned Charlie as Deborah Ann Woll.  I must say I like the way she thinks!! 


Alexis Riddley spends her day’s knee deep in the grind of corporate America, but her love of reading is what pushed her to put pen to paper. Bringing to life the stories that once existed only in her head. Alexis loves the outdoors, adventures, and music. Oftentimes music is the catalyst or the trigger for memories, and emotions that she uses in her writing. Alexis rarely watches television, but is a total comic book freak, superheroes, the whole lot of them. She is obsessed. Alexis is willing to try anything, at least once, as long as it keeps the soul free and the mind open. She is a kid at heart who refuses to let age define her and limitations contain her. Alexis is a romantic, with a twisted mind and sexy imagination. She still believes that happy endings exist, just that sometimes they do not come in the pretty packaging you may have expected.



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