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Release Day Blitz::: Revolver Savannah Stewart

by - 6:30 AM

Title: Revolver
Author: Savannah Stewart
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 18, 2018
Cover Desinger: Sofie - Hart & Bailey Design Co.
Las Vegas, Nevada, the city that never sleeps. Full of lust, greed, and wonder. Where death is hastily becoming a norm.
The playground of a wicked man who believes fate plays out through his hands.
Roulette Casino, home of the notorious Revolver slot machine. Praised around the World for its mysterious allure. On the FBI’s radar as a possible lead to why dead bodies are popping up throughout Clark County.
Can two FBI agents, who are also lovers, take down one of the most notorious serial killers of all time? Or will the game of roulette leave the gun pointed in their direction?
Pull the trigger to find out.

Not even five minutes after we stepped up to the counter we were walking into the casino. The dinging from the machines blended together as people hooped and hollered about winning or losing. The lights were low, giving the atmosphere an intimate feel and the same color scheme stretched around the room. To the right were the card tables that seemed to go on forever, with well over a couple hundred people as far as I could see. Casinos were a huge market in Vegas, and Roulette wasn’t lacking.
Gavin directed us to the bar where he ordered bourbon on the rocks. Not my favorite drink of choice, but one he knew I would sip instead of gulp down. He was thinking two steps ahead.
He braced an arm on the bar and leaned into me. “Where do you want to start?” The mixture of Gavin’s sensual voice and the burn from the bourbon was causing my head to spin. I pushed the glass towards the bartender instead of finishing it off.
“We need to find the slot machine.”
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go directly to that machine, Blair.” He ran his hand up my neck and stopped when his fingers reached my hairline. The feeling of them intertwined into my hair sent chills across my skin. His simplest of touches did things to me, even if our conversation was business oriented.
Gavin brought my face closer to his and whispered, “The security guard near the bathrooms to your left has been watching us since we walked in.” I knew better than to look in his direction so I kept my attention focused on Gavin as he pressed his full lips against mine, pulling a throaty moan from deep within me.
There was a decent size dance floor behind where we were seated at the bar. I could see couples dancing over Gavin’s shoulder as I sat back in my seat. The song playing came to a close and I linked my hand with one of Gavin’s, pulling him from his chair. “Let’s dance,” I smiled sweetly. He nodded and we made our way to the dance floor.
Gavin pulled me in close, resting his hands on my lower back, his fingers brushing the curve of my bottom. My arms were wrapped snugly around his neck as I laid my head against his chest. We turned towards the security guard and my eyes connected with the guard's. A smug grin tipped the corners of his lips as he stood taller than before. I pretended not to notice and closed my eyes, taking in the feel of Gavin’s strong body against mine.
I opened my eyes and found him staring down at me. Without saying a word, I leaned up and took his lips with my own. As the song came to a close I excused myself to the restroom while Gavin went back to our spot at the bar. I knew I had to cross paths with the security guard that had been watching us, so I kept my eyes fixated on the restroom entrance instead of him. He was standing to the right of the door as I passed, but what he said stopped me in my tracks.
“You sure the man you’re with can satisfy a woman like you?” I took a step back from the entrance and connected my eyes with his. He gauged my reaction before dragging his deep brown eyes from my face to my legs and back up again. Nothing but pure annoyance washed through me. Usually I would’ve thrown his ass to the ground, but I managed to keep my composure. I stepped closer to his body and ran my hand down the middle of his chest, stopping midway. “He does more than a fine job of making my legs shake.” I smiled wickedly, removed my hand, and headed into the restroom.
I did my business and checked my makeup in the mirror before heading back out, hoping the security guard wasn’t still planted beside the door.  As I rounded the corner my eyes connected with Gavin standing just outside of the restroom entrance. “Everything okay?” He arched an eyebrow at me. He must have seen the altercation.
“Just peachy.” I looked around for a moment.
“Looking for the security guard?”
“Yeah. Where did he go?”
“As soon as you walked away, he went through that door.” Gavin nodded toward the door a few feet away that read Employees Only in big bold letters.
“Probably had to go relieve himself,” I snickered.
“Blair…” Gavin groaned. “What did you do?”
I diverted my eyes to the checkered carpet and laughed.
With my body firm against Gavin’s I placed my lips just centimeters away from the shell of his ear. “He asked if you satisfied me, and I told him just how much you dosatisfy me.”
A low growl rumbled through Gavin’s body as he wrapped an arm around my waist and ushered us back to the bar to have a seat. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he whispered through gritted teeth.
He squeezed my hand that was resting on his thigh. “Twenty minutes until they turn the machine on. The bartender told me the machine is located in the far right corner once you enter the gambling room on the floor above us. I think it would be best to head on up and check things out.” If someone was watching us it would’ve seemed as if he was sweet talking me, not talking about the case. Gavin was smooth, a prestige agent.
I fixed his collar and agreed before he waved the bartender over and handed him a fifty for our two drinks. The bartender’s eyes went wide as he thanked us for the tip. Gavin gave him a nod and we made our way to the escalators that led to the infamous Revolver slot machine.
It was time to get the ball rolling.
From the Most Beautiful Small Town of America & the Bourbon Capital of the World, Bardstown, Kentucky, Savannah Stewart writes Contemporary Romance, New Adult, and Romantic Suspense. She's a Book-a-holic who loves music, tattoos, photography, singing, writing, & laughing. One of her favorite quotes is "Love is the beauty of the soul."

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