Cover Reveal::: Stumbling Into Him by Molly O'Hare
Title: Stumbling Into Him
Author: Molly O'Hare
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 15, 2018
Cover Photo: iStock Photos
Cover Art: Just Write. Creations
Cover Photo: iStock Photos
Cover Art: Just Write. Creations

Holly has spent her whole life as a walking disaster, from running into walls, tripping over invisible objects, and always being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When a seemingly normal outing taking her overly opinionated Corgi for a walk resulted in an object to the face, she didn’t think her day could get any worse. The moment she opened her eyes and saw the Adonis standing over her, she knew she’d been wrong. It was about to get a whole lot worse.
Ben’s lived his whole life disobeying his uptight, self-centered, shrew of a mother. Instead of going into the family business, he followed his dreams and opened his veterinarian clinic. One ordinary day at the dog park, and a rogue dog toy later, he found himself captivated by the curvy woman that had a feistiness which set him on fire.
It could only get better from here, right? Too bad his mother had other plans.

“Watch out!”
Holly Flanagan heard a commotion coming from the other side of the park. Ignoring the shouting, she bent over focusing on picking up her Corgi, Waffles, most recent deposit. With Holly’s track record, though, she should have known anyone yelling “watch out,” “take cover,” or “that’s about to fall” was directed at her. Even after years of being the spokesperson for “unlucky,” “klutzy,” and “clumsy” she still disregarded the shouting as she carried on with her dog parent duties.
Before she could register what happened, she was knocked onto her back with a pain radiating from her mouth and nose.
“Well, at least the sky is pretty today,” Holly mumbled as she tried to get her bearings. She reached for her mouth as she felt the pain start to spread.
“Ma’am, are you okay?”
Holly closed her eyes pondering that exact question. Was she okay? She’d just been hit with something in her mouth. She was pretty sure some part of her face, she didn’t know which part, but she was sure something was bleeding. Waffles started barking uncontrollably, and her head hurt. So, was she okay?
Holly sighed. Yeah, she was fine. This was just another day for her, and so far, if being hit by an unknown projectile to the face was the worst thing that happened to her, she’d considered it a good day.
Opening her eyes, she gasped. Above her, only a mere few inches from her face was by far, the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. He had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes that were richer than the ocean. His jaw was chiseled, with a light dusting of scruff, in the Alpha male, I’m in charge here kind of way.
Wonderful. Okay, let’s add embarrassing yourself in front of a Greek God to your lists of attributes for the day. Hey, it can only get better from here, right?
She realized she was staring at him for what could have been considered too long. She quickly jerked her head forward trying to right herself. Unfortunately, for her, she slammed her head right into the Greek God’s forehead.
Copyright 2018 Molly O’Hare

Much like any author out there, sleeping does not come easy to Molly. As it turns out, she has horrible insomnia . When she was younger, to help herself fall asleep she would recite stories. Each night she’d pick up where the story left off previously until the tale was complete. One morning, after she finished a particularly fun adventure, she decided she wanted to start sharing them with others. A few months later, here she is, sharing her lack of sleep with all of you. Who says the stories in our heads can’t be fun for others?
Also, she loves Fun Facts. New ones are at the end of each of her book. If you look close enough, some are hidden on her website too.