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Release Day:: God's Gift 1 by by Terri George

by - 5:55 PM

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God’s Gift 1 Release Day Blitz!

God’s Gift 1
by Terri George
Genre: Romance- Contemporary Erotic
Release date: August 28th
It’s Now LIVE!

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Sebastian Baines is the Bad Boy
your mother always warned you about:
It’s a lethal combination.
And he’s taking it Stateside.

A charmer with the gift for sealing deals, he’s
at the top of his game and should fit right in at
Berger & Schwartz.

His contract is for one year. 365 days in which
he plans to make some mergers and acquisitions
of his own, and cut a serious sexual swathe through
the female population.

He’s never had a problem pulling the birds
in his native London, but there’s at least one
New York girl who doesn’t think he’s
God’s Gift...
And it’s driving him crazy.

God’s Gift contains sexually explicit content.

The Cover!
GOD'S GIFT 1 COVER smaller.jpg

God's Gift screaming my name.jpg

God's Gift Balls Deep Inside.jpg

God's Gift Sebastian Baines b&w a.jpg

God's Gift Italians do it better.jpg

God's Gift Sebastian clothes maketh the man.jpg

About the Author
Love and Romance: it’s what makes the world go round and I love writing about it.
My men are Hot, Sexy and Bossy and my women Strong and Sassy and give as good as they get. I absolutely refuse to write weak woman because we don’t all need to be rescued, but we do all need the love and devotion of a good man. Oh, and plenty of sheet-clawing, body-rocking, mind-altering sex!
Despite all the hot sex, what I really write are love stories, jam packed full of emotion because I believe... When it comes to Love and Romance, neither should be anything less than Extraordinary.
From a small child I’ve loved to lose myself in stories. I’m a firm believer that if heaven exists, it contains every novel ever written and has big squishy sofas to curl up on and read for all eternity.
Before I started writing romance novels my comedy play, The Magazine was performed at The Bush Theatre in London and my poetry has been published in several anthologies. However, I knew what I really wanted to write were novels. With several unfinished manuscripts languishing in the depths of my computer’s hard drive, it was my discovery of erotic romance that led me to the realisation romance novels are what I should be writing.
As English as they come, I couldn’t survive without tea. From Rachmaninov to Aerosmith my taste in music is best described as eclectic. And I make a mean chocolate cake.

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