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Chapter for Charity::: The Baby Clause by Melanie Moreland

by - 3:30 AM

*~*~* Available for LIMITED TIME ONLY*~*~*

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If you have read The Contract, and want a little more —get your copy now and support a great cause!
So many readers wanted to know what was next for Katy and Richard. Melanie Moreland wrote this small continuation of their story for her newsletter, with the intention of eBook sites to offer free download. After hitting some Amazon roadblocks and head scratching as to how to let more people see it, an idea formed.

She didn’t write this to make money, but to say thank you. So the best idea—pay it forward.

Melanie has partnered with the Keith Milano Memorial Fund, and all profits will go to this amazing charity which benefits Mental Health awareness, and suicide prevention. This story available until 8/31/16 for 99 cents.

Purchase Amazon: goo.gl/XNlKa2
Purchase Nook: goo.gl/XNlKa2
Purchase iBooks: goo.gl/lr16Ks
Purchase Kobo:goo.gl/JSC43D

Fund Information:
The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating and deadly disease that is mental illness. Keith’s spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Keith often struggled with society’s perception of mental illness. Our hope is that by having the strength to say that Keith was “Bipolar” we can strip away the stigma and help others to be more open about their disease.
Keith’s fund is a self-directed memorial fund. Funds raised are spent on programs and research programs selected by the Milano / Sprung family

Keith Milano Memorial Fund
140 Adams Ave Suite B-12
Hauppauge NY 11788

The Keith Milano Memorial Fund benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) http://www.afsp.org/
AFSP is the only national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those affected by suicide.
AFSP is a fully accredited 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Delaware with primary offices in New York City. Federal tax ID # is 13-3393329.

AFSP’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) number is 10545. Donations to AFSP are tax deductible.

Facebook Page: Melanie L Moreland goo.gl/mvlySD
Twitter: @MorelandMelanie
Goodreads: Melanie Moreland goo.gl/E9fiic
The Romance Reviews (TRR): Melanie Moreland goo.gl/9FAwtq
Amazon Author Page: goo.gl/sUSdo4

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#chapterforcharity #isupportmentalhealthawareness #KMMF #AFSP

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