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Cover Reveal::: Shutout by Melody Heck Gatto

by - 7:08 AM

Renegades 5
By Melody Heck Gatto
Release Day August 12, 2016

Love can be the best trophy and the sweetest consolation prize.

Shutout is the story of Dominic Zanetti (Renegades goalie) and Hailee Valentine.

Dominic is flirty, swoon-worthy and tattooed. He's only ever truly loved one woman - Hailee - the one that got away. But that was a lifetime ago. She left a scar on his heart so deep that no bunny would ever fill it. No girl measured up to his Hailee – not that he wanted anyone to.
They should’ve been married by now taking the hockey world by storm. He never did know what he did to make her shut him out. But if he ever got the chance to do it over, the chance to be face to face with her, he wouldn’t mess it up this time.

Hailee is stubborn, talented, tattooed, and not the kind of woman to let a man take care of her. She refuses to sit in the kitchen and bake pies for anyone. She is her own woman and plans to stay that way. That's why she had to leave Dominic all those years ago. Hailee kept herself hidden away in a hockey-free bubble, avoiding all aspects of the game and eliminating the possibility of running into him. Her heart missed Dominic, but her brain knew that she couldn’t be what he needed. It was just better this way. She had her own dreams and wasn’t about to give up on them, even if it meant giving him up.
Things hadn’t been the same since that night she ran into Dominic. She thought that she finally had her life figured out. Until that flirty smile crossed his lips, still making her heart race, and causing her perfect world to come crashing down around her. She didn’t want to miss him, but she did. They used to be so good together. She used to be his biggest fan. They had big plans. Being his wife was all she dreamed of until it wasn’t. He deserved more than she could give.

When all things in her life finally start to fall neatly into place, one thing is still missing. Dominic.

Dominic was used to shutting out teams on the ice, but didn’t like being shutout by her. Hailee already had his heart, all she had to do was take down the walls she built, and stop playing games.
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About the Author
Melody was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her husband, and son. She’s a dog lover and recently losing her two 15yr old girls (dogs) they adopted a new puppy, in addition to a cat. After years of begging for a cat, she finally let her son adopt a kitten (even though she’s allergic!) A house just isn’t a home without pets.
The whole family are avid Pittsburgh Penguins fans and like going to hockey games when they get the chance. Having met some of the players has fueled her interest in writing about them and creating wonderful stories.
Melody has loved writing since she was small, in school she never met a creative writing assignment that she didn't love. She is lucky enough to have a wonderful husband who encourages her to write. When she was laid off from her job of 14 years, he was supportive about letting her stay home and just be a mom. During that time, she discovered hockey-romances and found a renewed love of reading as well as a passion for writing.
She spends her spare time reading hockey romances. At holiday time she really enjoys any romance about Christmas, and Hallmark movies on tv. When it is the hockey off-season, she enjoys swimming and spending her days out in the sun. Basically if she’s not writing or reading, then she’s doing something that has to do with hockey!
Connect with Melody
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Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8310618.Melody_Heck_Gatto
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letang_chick58/

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