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Release Blitz::: Call my Name by Ayden K. Morgen

by - 7:30 AM

Call Your Name by Ayden K Morgen is live! 

After four months of falling for Ava Cameron, Noah Maxwell has finally found the nerve to tell her how he really feels about her. But when the words come tumbling out of his mouth over an intimate dinner, they aren't at all what he intended to stay. His confession sounds like nothing more than an attempt to get her out of her clothes and into his bed. 

Now faced with losing Ava for good, Noah has to find the courage to tell her the truth. Can he do it or will his fumbling ruin everything?

Call Your Name is available from Cobblestone Press as a part of their Tryst line. You can grab a copy at Amazon, Kobo, All Romance Books, or Bookstrand.

You can add Call Your Name to your TBR list on Goodreads here.

 Ava spun around and threw the door open wide.
“Noa—!” Her shout died on her lips as she caught sight of him, still standing on her porch with one hand clutched in his hair.
He was breathing hard, as if he’d run around the block twice in the five minutes she’d been debating with herself. He hadn’t moved though. Not one step.
“Noa—” She started again.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”
Ava froze, his words ripping through her. He hadn’t meant it. The realization crushed her, mangling her heart. Unbidden tears burned at her eyes. She sucked in a breath to fight them back.
“It’s fine,” she mumbled.
“Ava—” His face fell. “Ava, I—”
Here it comes, she thought. The “you’re a great friend, but…” speech. She couldn’t stand here and listen to that speech. Not coming from him. Not tonight.
“It’s fine,” she said again, trying to find the ability to smile at him or laugh off the entire situation. So he’d called her beautiful, liked her in her dress. So what? Didn’t mean he wanted her like she did him. “You don’t owe me an explanation. We’re friends.” She turned toward the door, ready to flee before the tears in her eyes gave away that lie for what it was. Noah wasn’t just a friend to her.

“Fuck that. We’re not friends.”

Ayden Morgen lives in the heart of Arkansas with her childhood sweetheart-now-husband of eleven years. When not writing, she spends her time hiking, reading, volunteering, and causing mischief. Ayden graduated summa cum laude with her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology in 2009 before going on to complete her graduate degree in CJ and Law. She currently puts her education to use as a 911 dispatcher.

Ayden also writes New Adult fantasy under the penname A.K. Morgen.

You can learn more about her at http://aydenmorgen.com, on Facebook, or Twitter @AKMorgen.

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