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Release Day Blitz & Review::: What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner

by - 8:12 AM

What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner Release Date: March 29th, 2018 What He Doesn’t Know Duet, book 2 Genre: Contemporary Romance

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Left or right. It’s that simple, and it isn’t simple at all. If I turn left, the road will lead me back to the man I promised my life to, the one I’d imagined building a family with, the one who’s done everything in his power to get me back. If I turn right, the road will take me to the man I loved first, the man who brought me back to life, the man who would do anything to keep me. I knew the fork in the road was inevitable; it was the decision I never wanted to make between choices I didn't know I had. And I love them both. My heart is destined to exist in two equal halves — one with each man. But one half beats stronger, the vein running deepest, and holds my choice in silence long before I know it for myself. The realization of what I have to do, of the heart I have to break, just might break mine too. Left or right. All I have to do is take a breath and turn.

5 out of 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I experienced so many emotions and shed so many tears while I read this book that I didn’t think I’d ever recover - and I’m not sure I have yet. I used to think that book hangovers were a farace and people just said that to make authors feel better about the books. O! M! G! They are real and What He Always Knew gave me my first real book hangover and I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.

When I finished What He Doesn’t Know, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this second book in the duet. I thought I would die not knowing what happened with the two couples, four individuals who were all connected through love and loss. Little did I know that I would actually feel like I was dying while I read the second part of their story. My heart still hurts and I had to message the author several times to tell her how much it was breaking! AND then it didn’t end like I thought it should and I almost hated her. AND then I read the epilogue and realized that she knew what she was doing after all!

There are so many amazing quotes and thoughts in this books that I want to share them all, but I will limit it to he best! There was the time Reese and Charlie were at the bar together and Reese was trying to explain why he cared about Charlie:

“Why does rain fall in the desert? Why are diamonds made from dust? Some things just are, Tadpole - no matter how difficult or impossible the circumstances. I care about you because there is no other choice for me, and I love you the same.”

Then there was the time that Cameron confronted Reese about what would happen when Charlie chose which man she would be with. Cameron started the conversation:

“Charlie deserves the greatest love of all time. I think that’s one thing you and i can both agree on. So, I’m just saying, if you’re the one she chooses…”

But Reese finished for him because he knew just what Cameron was thinking:

“Love her like she deserves.”

Really, this duet is making my top 5 of 2018 no matter what else I read this year because it is simply amazing. There isn’t a better story out there and I can guarantee that if you decide to read this story, it will stay with you long after you finish reading!

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Read Today!
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2GNRSO1 Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2IHnN3p Add to Goodreads: bit.ly/WHAKGoodreads
Start the Series, today! FREE in Kindle Unlimited Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2HwSJC8 Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2FEFeUo Add to Goodreads: bit.ly/WHDKGoodreads

About the Author:
Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.
Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).
When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

Connect with the Author:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KandiSteiner/ Twitter: @KandiSteiner Stay up to date with Kandi by signing up for her newsletter here: https://goo.gl/TLsut8 Website: http://kandisteiner.com

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