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RELEASE BLITZ & Review::: Periculum by Natalie Bennett

by - 8:30 AM

Title: Periculum
Series: Devil's Playground: Unus #1
Author: Natalie Bennett
Genre: Dark New Adult Romance
Release Date: April 23, 2020


Tragic and twisted fell in love…
Ave Satanas, something wicked this way comes.
It’s time for the reckoning to begin.
Enter the Devil’s Playground wary where you tread, for demons are lurking with trickery up their sleeves.
Here good and bad cease to exist, and not all will make it to the end.
The price of freedom will be revealed only after bloodshed and rapture. A claiming of one and purging of others.

That audio recording played exactly three minutes before the crash.
It was a riddle, a warning, and a promise. But they didn’t know that until it was too late.
Now stranded with two friends and a group of apprehensive strangers, Liliana Serpine must decide who and who not to trust as they navigate their way through hell in the form of an opulent city.
There’s one person who stands out among the others. He’s got a gorgeous face and darkly enigmatic aura. Being drawn to him is inevitable but staying by his side becomes necessary to survive.
When secrets start being revealed in blood, everything changes. From dabbling in the taboo, being tempted by the forbidden, and falling in lust with the carnage.
For those that make it out of this alive, they’ll never be the same people they once were.

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5 of 5 Hearts
Holy Smokes! Where do I even start with this baby! 

One, this is a dark themed book, if you cannot handle dark themes walk away now. 

Natalie Bennett has done it again folks! She has left me speechless, dying for more... No begging for book two. I need it now!! PLEASE. 

Here are just a few words that I start to think to describe this book raw, gritty, dark, mind-blowing, thrilling, heart-racing, steamy. Yeah, all those and more. 

My soul was wrapped around this book for a few short hours while a read this baby. Now I am in mourning because I have finished it. 

Liliana aka Lana and her best friends end up on a bus with Ciaran his friends and a few strangers. Only the bus ride to the airport does not make it instead they end up in The Devil's Playground and Ciaran and Lana become the leaders of the group. 

Devil's Playground is just that people. Hell on earth and every which way someone is going to die. This book will have your heart racing, you are rooting for your favorite characters. You will want to solve each puzzle peace right there with the characters. I loved every second of this book. 



With a penchant for (writing) villainous immoral men, and a tendency to deviate away from traditional happily ever afters, Natalie Bennett is an international bestselling author of twisted and unconventional love stories.

When she's not slaying words she's somewhere in the sunshine state, happily taking life one curve-ball at a time.

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