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Release Day Blitz::: Son of Saint by Kailee Reese Samuels

by - 8:12 AM

Title: Son of Saint
Author: Kailee Reese Samuels 
Genre: Dark Fiction
Release Date: February 14, 2018 
An old lady from Delirium.
The president from Reckless Rebellion.
Merge. Between the sheets. One hot affair.
An unexpected pregnancy.
And the birth of a son torn between two clubs.
To be a ruthless outlaw or a charming gentleman, Deacon Cruz ignites a reaction everywhere he turns. From his childhood with his mother, Trudy, to running away at sixteen, he remains allied to both good and evil with his own brand of spiritual wickedness. His mother built him and his father defined him, but his friendship with Sal Raniero tests everything, forcing the uprising of a Deacon—playing for one—himself. 
After meeting Deacon in RAW (Ride series book 3) travel back in time to his wild ways and discover the Son of Saint.
There is no romance here.
Expect the unexpected in this brash look at the two young men – Sal Raniero and Deacon Cruz – from their early days on the streets of New Orleans. Lots of kink, violence, and Sami-stylings.
KAILEE REESE SAMUELS writes dark dirty lit. Her words may cause increased heart rate, hand sweating, and other issues. You are strongly advised to enter at your own risk. Not for the faint of heart. May cause triggers in some. Others may choose to ride again and again. You have been warned.
Embracing diversity. Coffee addict. Mango lover. Blueberry fetishist. Sweet peach tea crazy. Red wine devout. Whiskey deviant. Tattooed & pierced. Loves shoes. Collects rosaries. Fanatical organizer/cleaner/list-maker. Never sleeps. Hermit and recluse.
KAILEE REESE SAMUELS has been spinning tales since she can remember. Her books are contemporary fiction with a no-holds-barred attitude. She adores listening to her character’s ramble and putting them into situations that push the boundaries.
Creativity is the way to change.

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