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Cover Reveal::: Take a Chance by Megs Pritchard

by - 7:27 AM

Title: Take A Chance
Series: Second Chance Series
Author: Megs Pritchard
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: April 7, 2017 
Tom Carter
Kicked out at fifteen for being gay, Tom survived by selling his body on the streets. Four years later, Tom, now nineteen, doesn’t know how long he can continue living this life.
One night while out working, Tom sees a face from his past, one he had long forgotten. One he had used to fantasise about.
Sebastian Banks
Afraid of the reaction he will receive, Tom runs away hoping never to see him again. But Seb had other ideas.
Seb Banks
At twenty-five, Seb’s life is going exactly the way he had wanted. Having worked hard at University, Seb has been offered a permanent contract at a local solicitor.
While driving to a friend’s house to celebrate, Seb is shocked to find Tom, someone he hasn’t seen in years, on the streets, selling himself.
Feeling an overwhelming need to help Tom, Seb tracks him down and offers him a way out.
Is Tom willing to take a chance on Seb and accept his offer, or will his distrust of everyone from his past cause him to push Seb away?
Dodging a group of people who were already drunk, as they stumbled out of Via, Tom continued towards the end of Canal Street before heading towards Piccadilly Gardens. Not the safest of areas but one he knew well, and he knew the people who worked there both male and female.
As he was walking along, a car pulled up beside him. Tom turned towards the car and plastered a fake smile on his face as he walked over to the window. Leaning over, he saw who it was. "For fuck's sake!" he muttered. "What do you want?" he asked as he pushed away from the car.
Seb parked up and got out, leaving the door open. "What? You working?"
"Actually, yeah I am, and you're scaring away all the punters, so fuck off!"
Seb grabbed him and shouted, "No, I won't." He took a deep breath. "I won't let you walk away again. I want to help. I'm not like your parents, and it doesn't have to be like this. You don't have to sell yourself. I don't know what it's been like for you, but there has to be something better than this."
What. The. Fuck! "No, you don't know what it's been like for me!" screamed Tom. "My parents, they threw me out like yesterday's rubbish, they didn't give a shit. I was fifteen, man, how the hell was I supposed to look after myself? There's nothing better for someone like me, so just leave me the fuck alone!"
"No, I can't just walk away knowing what you're doing. Explain it to me. Why this, Tom? Why turn to this?" Seb asked him with genuine interest shining from his brown eyes.
Tom spun away from Seb, looking at his feet while running his hands through his hair, as he paced back and forth in front of him. Talking about his choice to sell himself wasn't a conversation he wanted to be having, but fuck, he'd made the best he could with what he had, which was nothing. He turned back to Seb as he looked up into the night sky. Closing his eyes, Tom inhaled deeply, holding the air in his lungs. How could he explain why he had resorted to selling himself? What could he say?
Tom glanced at Seb and exhaled. "I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, your brother's mate, the rent boy, the whore, taking money for blow jobs or back alley fucks." Tom paused and looked at Seb. "I look in the mirror and see who I am, what I've become to pay for food, the occasional roof over my head. I wish things could have been different. I wish they'd accepted me for who I am." Tom shrugged. "I should have known they'd never accept their son as gay." Tom laughed bitterly. "Do you know they never even let me get my stuff from my room? I left with the clothes on my back and money from my Saturday job. That was it. That first night on the streets, I didn't know who to turn to or where to go." Tom shook his head. "Do you think I want to be gay? Do you think I would choose this life?" 
"Tom, I'm—"
"Save it, Seb. Whatever you're gonna say, don't," Tom muttered quietly.
Megs Pritchard lives in England and is a mother to two small boys. When she isn’t working or being mummy, she is busy writing about complex characters that know the harsh realities of life but want a HEA.
A lover of M/M and M/F romances she believes everyone deserves to be happy, healthy and loved.
Growing up in a military family, Megs has traveled Europe and has a great deal of respect and gratitude for all the men and women who have and who still serve. Her dream job was to be a Bomb Disposal Expert and even had her own ‘kit’ when she was younger.
She is currently working on her first full length series called Second Chances.

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