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Release Day Blitz & Review::: Eight Second Ride by Anne Jolin

by - 8:08 AM

Series: Willow Bay Stables #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance

Owen Daniels lives his life eight seconds at a time. The thrill of anticipation that comes with sitting on twelve hundred pounds of untamed power is unparalleled. The adrenaline rush that floods his system when the chute opens is one of life’s most unique and natural highs.

Ride eight seconds bareback on a bucking bronco—that’s his life.

When Owen’s stock horse, Remington’s Lady, is injured midway through the rodeo circuit, he trailers her back home to Willow Bay, Alberta, to remain in the care of the local vet, Ray Brookes.

Months later, with a truck bed full of buckles, Owen comes home to collect his Lady from the man he trusted to help her recover. Only Ray happens to be short for Rayne, and Rayne happens to be a woman.

And this woman wants nothing to do with a cowboy fresh off the circuit. As far as she’s concerned, he can take his buckles, boots, and spurs right back on out of her life.

Will Rayne keep them from holding on to their eight-second ride? Or will love buck out of the chute in time for a perfect score?

5 out of 5 stars

This is my 2nd book by Ms Jolin this week. I’m finding myself really loving her writing style and the characters that she creates. I loved London & Branson Change Rein, but Owen & Rayne upped the game a little more.

THere were so many things about this story that I loved. One of my favorite things was that Ms Jolin made Owen sound “real” in that he spoke like I would expect a cowboy to talk and he was alpha male enough but not overbearing. He was cute in his attempts to get Rayne to go out with him. AND he planned and executed the best, best, best first date ever!!!

I loved Rayne’s determination and quiet side, but I also loved when she stood her ground. I felt for her and cried my eyes out for her at one point in the book as well. There were hidden things in her past that she tried to hide from even herself, but when they come to light in the book it all begins to fall into place for the reader.

I also loved that she couldn’t stop herself from falling for Owen and that everyone knew the real Owen because like Rayne described, Owen was a simple man:

Owen wasn’t a complicated man. Nothing about who he was seemed a mystery. He wore his heart on his sleeve and his head in that damn cowboy hat.

And then there was Owen’s declaration of loving Rayne and I almost melted:

“Fallin’ in love with you has been the best ride of my life, darlin’. Ain’t eight seconds anywhere on this earth that compare to holdin’ you in my arms at night.”

For real, everyone should check out this book! It’s a fabulous story and you’re bound to fall in love with Owen and try to claim him for yourself, but I call dibs!  


Want to read CHANGE REIN, Book #1 for FREE? Click below to claim your copy!
Copies are available until August 8th! 

Change Rein, Book 1:  

Eight-Second Ride, Book 2: http://amzn.to/2aEdUD4
Rein In, Book 3: Releasing this October!

Chasing Rhodes, Book 1: http://bit.ly/ChasingRhodes >> FREE!
Choosing Henley, Book 2: http://bit.ly/ChoosingHenley
Breaking Bennett, Book 3: http://bit.ly/BreakingBennett
Keeping King, Book 4: http://bit.ly/KeepingKing


Hey y’all, 
I was born and raised in Ladner, a small farm town just outside Vancouver, Canada. I grew up riding horses, shooting guns, and driving in trucks. 

I never expected to be an author. A massage therapist? Yes. Take over the family construction company? Yes. But an author? No. Writing was something that snuck up on me and rooted itself into my life. It was beautiful to discover that love, and I’m truly grateful to say I’ve found my passion. 

Since I’ve always been a creative person, it feels amazing to harness all of that energy and use it to tell a story I love. I enjoy incorporating bits of my real life into the stories I write. What parts are true? Hah. I’ll never tell—what would be the fun in that? 

If I could leave y’all with one thing, it’s that life’s far too short to not live it out loud. Drown in your passions, hold on tight to the things that inspire you, and chase your dreams relentlessly. I can promise you without a doubt that you won’t regret it. I know I don’t. 

Mad love, 
Anne Jolin 

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