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Release Blitz & Review::: Bastard by J.L. Perry

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Title: Bastard
Author: J.L. Perry
Genre: YA/NA
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


My name is Carter Reynolds. I was born a bastard and I’ll die a bastard. I learnt it at a young age, and nothing and nobody can change that. I’m on a one-way path of destruction, and god help anyone who gets in my way. I hate my life. Actually, I hate pretty much everything.

That’s until I meet the kid next door. Indi-freakin’-ana. My dislike for her is instant. From the moment I lay eyes on her, she ignites something within me. She makes me feel things I thought I was incapable of feeling. I don’t like it, not one bit. When she looks at me with her big, beautiful, haunting, green eyes, it’s like she can see into the depths of my soul. It freaks me the hell out. She’s like sunshine and rainbows in my world of gloom and doom. I hate sunshine and rainbows.


I’m Indiana Montgomery, my friends call me Indi. Despite losing my mum at the age of six, I have a wonderful life and great friends. My dad more than makes up for the fact that I only have one parent. I’m his little girl, the centre of his world. I adore him.

When Carter Reynolds moves in next door, my life takes a turn for the worse. He’s gorgeous—sinfully hot, but that’s where my compliments end. He seems hell bent on making my life miserable. He acts tough, but when I look into his eyes I don’t see it. I see hurt and pain. To me, he seems lost.

I should hate him for the way he treats me, but surprisingly I don’t. If anything, I feel sorry for him. I want to help him find peace. Help him find the light that I know is buried somewhere within his darkness, but, he won’t have a bar of it.

He’s warned me time and time again to stay away, but I can’t. I’m drawn to him for some reason. He’s always referring to himself as a bastard. That may be true, but to me, he’s more like a beautifully, misunderstood bastard. Whether he likes it or not, I refuse to give up on him.

5 out of 5 hearts

First of all, let me say that I would totally rate this higher than a 5 if the review sites would let me. It’s the most beautiful story I’ve read in a long time -- which is saying a lot since I read (on average) 4-5 books a week!!

Indiana and Carter and my new favorite book couple. The love that they have is wild, passionate, crazy, and most intense. However, they also hate each other almost as much as they love each other. The tension, sexual and otherwise, is almost too much to bear, but I made it through because I couldn’t leave them hanging.

The story starts with them in high school then takes a five year gap and brings them back together. I don’t know the last time I fell so hard and fast for a book boyfriend, but Carter was so easy to love and I naturally found myself cheering him on.

I laughed out loud while reading. I wept until my nose ran. I smiled so much my face hurt. I was crushed to the point my chest hurt. My emotions were totally wrapped up in Indi and Carter and I have no regrets about it either!

So early in the book I could feel their attraction to each other, but also their hesitation. They wanted to be together but both knew it would never work. They wanted to break down the walls around the other, but didn’t want to break themselves. I also knew that whenever they did come together, it would be explosive -- and it was! I wanted to go back in time and get to experience a first kiss with someone that was as powerful as their first kiss:::

This is one hot kiss. I moan against his mouth. Nobody has ever kissed me like this before. It’s one of those kisses that make your toes curl. is it possible to have an orgasm from just a kiss because I think I’m close to having one right now?

I love that sometimes when they would just be talking, Indi wouldn’t really hear everything that Carter said because she would get stuck on him calling her beautiful or his or just the way he talked to her. She was head over heels for him and it was the best feeling to watch them come together.

Indi sums up their whole relationship with this one phrase in the book:

He can be the sweetest, gentlest, most caring man when he’s not being an overbearing, infuriating arse.

I love their relationship and their love!! I love they know how they feel despite what they may think.

Carter’s life isn’t easy though and everything isn’t always roses and sweetness for him (and them as a non-couple even). His heart has been crushed by people who should unconditionally love him and now he’s scared to give it away to anyone…even when it feels like the right thing to do. He is confused by what he’s feeling for her and what he wants to do vs what he knows he needs to do.

I’m in the midst of both heaven and hell. Last night she took me to a place I never thought possible. Bliss. That’s what I experienced with her. Fucking bliss. Never in my life did I think sex could be like that. Sure it’s always good, but with her …

And immediately after this passage, he basically runs away from home.

When they hook back up later in the book, life isn’t really any easier, but their perseverance together and separately made my heart soar. I don’t want to give away too much of the story line, but just know that they fight like crazy but their making up is worth the little battles!

If you’re looking for a beautiful love story that won’t let you go even when you finish the novel, this is the book for you!

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Leaning forward, so my face is only inches from hers, I say, “I can see that.” Her pupils dilate and I hear her breath hitch. I immediately know my effect on her hasn’t diminished either. It takes everything in me not to pull her into my arms and squeeze the fucking life out of her. Why did I leave it so long to see her? Just being near her again, makes me feel alive. “It’s good to see you again, Indi.”

“Well, the feeling’s not mutual,” she says. She’s lying, I can tell. Her body language is saying the complete opposite to her words. She’s still a stubborn arse I see. My eyes leave hers, gazing down at her lips. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamt of those lips over the past five years. Too many to count. I want to kiss her so bad my fucking chest aches. I let my eyes drop a little lower. First I see is the necklace I bought her. I can’t believe she’s still wearing it. It has me smiling like a damn fool. You have no idea what seeing that means to me.

I watch her chest rise and fall as her breathing quickens. She can deny it all she wants, but she’s affected by me. “My eyes are up here, buddy,” she spits. I want to laugh at her comment. I love her smart mouth. I’m glad this part of our relationship hasn’t changed.

Underneath the material of her white top, I can see a hint of her white lace bra covering the swell of her breast. It gives me an idea. I can’t help myself. I lift the sponge in my hand until it’s hovering over her tits. I hear her gasp when she realises what I’m about to do. I clench my fist tight, the water drips out. It soaks into the fabric of her top, making it transparent. Her nipples harden and so does my cock. Christ. I haven’t even touched her yet, and I swear I could break diamonds with this fucker.

Peeling my gaze from her spectacular rack, I make eye contact with her again. I’m feeling quite pleased with myself, but that feeling doesn’t last long. The anger I see in her eyes is not what I’m expecting. When did she lose her sense of humour? I guess I should’ve known from past experience, when it comes to her, I’m playing with fire. Especially since she has five years of pent up anger inside her, towards me.

This is one time I’m not anticipating her next move. So when it comes, I’m totally taken by surprise. She raises her right leg slightly, and then ‘BOOM’. She knees me fair smack in the nuts. Hard. Jesus fucking Christ.

All the air gushes from my lungs as pain radiates through my whole body. My dick goes instantly limp. Fuck, I think she just killed it. I’m pretty sure my boys are now lodged somewhere in my throat.

A feral, high pitched sound escapes me as I fall to my knees in agony. “Stay the fuck away from me arsehole,” she spits, as she turns and runs inside.

Somebody call an ambulance, I think I’m gonna die.

Author Bio

J L Perry is a mother and a wife. She was born in Sydney, Australia in 1972, and has lived there her whole life. Her love of reading, from a young age, gave her the passion to write. My Destiny was originally written for her sister, in 2013. It was never intended to be published. However, after finishing this book, she felt there was still a lot of Brooke and Logan's story left to tell. This inspired her to write My Forever. With the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided to follow her dream and become a published Author.

That dream was realised on the 6th of June, 2014.

My Destiny is her debut novel in the Destiny Series. My Forever is the conclusion to this book. Her third book Damaged - Jacinta's Story was released October 15th, 2014. This is a stand alone book, but is based on a character in My Forever. Her fourth book Against All Odds, is a stand alone book, as well, but part of the Destiny Series. Due to be released on the 27th May, 2015. She's also currently writing a fifth book, a standalone, that will be released later in the year. It's called 'A Beautiful Bastard'. This is NOT part of the Destiny Series.

J L's love of romance and happy endings makes a perfect combination when it comes to writing her beautiful love stories.

Her hobbies include reading, writing, drinking wine, shopping, listening to music, and anything artistic or creative. She loves spending time with her family, friends and her dog when she isn't writing. She also loves being outdoors and travelling and exploring the world.

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