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Spotlight Tour::: Bedeviled & Beleaguered by Sam Cheever

by - 7:10 AM


As a poisonous magic veil descends over Earth, turning humans into mindless killers and threatening another Great War between the magic and non-magic populations, Astra and the devilish Dialle must find a way to save humankind and defeat Satan himself. With madness rolling
over everyone in waves and the guardian angels succumbing to a rare disease called Devil’s Plague, Astra finds herself walking a thin line between dark and light to vanquish the coming evil. Through it all, Astra and Dialle are still trying to forge a relationship together, despite the fact that they might be, once again, on opposite sides of the coming battle. Could it all be more than Astra Q Phelps can handle? There’s only one way to find out!

Buy Links:



Amazon.au: http://www.amazon.com.au/Bedeviled-Beleaguered-Futuristic-Paranormal-Devilish-ebook/dp/B0153UN5AS

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bedeviled-beleaguered-sam-cheever/1122626726?ean=2940151182157

Kobo Books:


And into the mist...
Evil things do trickle down, to stain the Earthly soil, Where twisted magic veils the Earth, mankind’s emotions boil.

Twisted magic should never have been able to get past the Big Guy and his army. But about thirty years ago, in 2060, the human race went berserk and started blowing itself up with laser rays and microwave bombs. Unfortunately, in the midst of the chaos created by the Great Wars, humans unwittingly allowed a few tendrils of the poisoned magic to take root. The festering energy came through in fragments too small to cause any real problems. But since that horrible time in human history, those tiny wisps of magic have grown and spread under the nurturing care of The Serpent and his dark minions.
Once this twisted magic found its way into the human dimension, God had no choice but to send his angels in to keep an eye on its progress. About ten years ago, God started using halflings to help the good side out. The only problem with halflings is that, by their very make-up they are some portion devil. That’s why they understand and know how to defeat the forces of evil. But it is also what has made them a little bit unpredictable to the good guys.
What exactly is a halfling you ask? A halfling is a non-human. They have neither wings nor horns but they generally have both angel and devil in their family forests. Which is probably why they enjoy a higher sensitivity to spectral influence than regular human-type people.
My name is Astra Q Phelps. Don’t ask me what the Q stands for because if I tell you I’ll have to turn you into atmospheric gas. I've burned all printed documentation of the name and though a lot of my enemies have tried to dig it out, no one will ever know what it stands for. A girl has to have some secrets. Especially when the truth would cause her some serious embarrassment.
I run a business called the Angel Network, which is the only devil and demon vanquishing business in the universe. In other words, I kick serious evil butt for a living. And over and above that job, I often find myself getting dragged in to help save the world when something goes amiss.
Unfortunately, that happens a lot. Save the world from the devils, Astra... Save the world from the demons, Astra...
Save the world from the witches, Astra.... Geesh!
It’s a very stressful way to live. And a hard way to make a living. But I’m a very tenacious creature and, well... no matter what the dark side throws at me... I’m definitely up for up for it!
I think...

Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling Author Sam Cheever writes romantic paranormal/fantasy and mystery/suspense, creating stories that celebrate the joy of love in all its forms. Known for writing great characters, snappy dialogue, and unique and exhilarating stories, Sam is the award-winning author of 50+ books and has been writing for over a decade under several noms de plume.
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