Release Tour::: Step by Step by K.C. Wells
Title: Step by Step
Author: K.C. Wells
Genre: M/M Romance

Jamie’s life is one big financial mess, and it really isn’t his fault. However, the last thing he expected to find in the library was a Good Samaritan. He might have been suspicious of Guy’s motives at first, but it soon becomes apparent that his savior is a good man who has been lucky in life and is looking to pay it forward. Guy being gay is not a problem. Jamie’s not interested… or so he thinks.
Guy is happy to help Jamie, and the two men get along fine. But when Jamie’s curiosity leads him from one thing to another, Guy finds himself looking at the young man with new eyes. What started out as a hand up is now something completely different….

“Please, tell me you’re tapping that gorgeous ass,” Troy said in a low voice.
Guy followed Troy’s gaze to where Jamie stood next to Cole, talking and smiling with Simon Bexter. Guy smiled to himself. Perfect. Cole had caught on to Guy’s plan.
Then Troy’s words hit home. “Excuse me?”
Troy indicated Jamie with a nod of his head. “Your so-called roommate. Only that’s a euphemism, right?” He gave Guy a sideways glance. “You are fucking him, right?”
“Wrong.” Guy set his jaw. It wasn’t the first time that evening that he’d heard that assumption. “One, he’s straight, and—”
Troy snorted. “And what’s wrong with that? He just doesn’t know what he’s missing.” He leered. “You could be the one to teach him how to take a dick.”
Guy tried not to growl. “And two, I’m helping him get a good start in life. Like someone once did for me.” Right then he was asking himself why he’d invited Troy in the first place.
Troy groaned. “Seriously? Just look at him. That is one beautiful specimen of manhood right there.”
Guy watched how Jamie interacted with others. It was funny, but until that moment, he’d never seen him as a man. He was just…. Jamie. But Troy had a point. Jamie’s creamy skin, gorgeous blue eyes, and slim figure all added up to a beautiful man.
How come I never saw him so clearly before?
Maybe it was because Jamie was straight. Guy wasn’t in the habit of lusting after straight guys. He’d had his fingers burned in the past, and on both occasions, it hadn’t turned out well. Maybe that was why his brain had refused to acknowledge what he was now seeing: Jamie was lovely.
Then Jamie glanced across at him and his eyes lit up.
“Ooh, someone’s happy,” Troy said in a singsong voice. “Look at that smile.” He nudged Guy with his elbow. “You play your cards right and you could have that tasty piece of ass warming your sheets tonight.”
Guy turned to Troy with a sigh of exasperation. “You don’t listen, do you? Not going to happen. You got that? Now go find yourself someone else to pester.” He had no idea why Troy’s suggestions evoked such a strong reaction in him, but he wasn’t about to spend time fathoming it out. Not when Jamie was walking over to him.
Troy huffed and left him to go to the bar, and Guy was fine with that. He’d known Troy for years, but recently he had changed. He’d become a pig, pure and simple. At least Guy could see that now.
Well, no more.
Jamie stopped in front of him, his face glowing. “Thank you.” The words were uttered fervently but quietly.
“For what?”
Jamie’s smile hadn’t dimmed. “I figured it out, with a little help from Cole. You put a lot of thought into that guest list, didn’t you?”
Guy played the innocent. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” When Jamie continued to stare, he had to relent. “Okay, so I might have invited a few lawyers.” He nodded in Cole’s direction. “I got the impression you were a little awestruck when I introduced you to Cole.”
Jamie chuckled. “That would be an understatement. I may have a mild case of hero-worship.”
“Hero?” Guy widened his eyes. “Wow.” He buffed his fingernails on his shirt. “Guess I did good, then.”
Jamie laughed. “Better than good. You are one cool guy, do you know that?”
Fuck, the light in his eyes….
Guy steered himself away from that particular thought, but he had to admit it had shaken him. When was the last time someone looked at me like that?
The sad thing was, he couldn’t remember.
Guy pulled himself together. “So are you done schmoozing for the night, or is Cole about to introduce you to another mover and shaker?”
Jamie laughed again, and Guy loved its natural, unforced quality. Even his laughter makes me feel good. He gave himself a mental slap. He did not want to think about Jamie like that.
Guy smiled. “I’m going to mingle and make sure everybody’s happy. Cole looks like he’s taking good care of you.” He reached out and squeezed Jamie’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”
To his surprise Jamie gave him a quick hug. “Thank you,” he whispered before releasing him and disappearing in Cole’s direction.
Guy stared after him, shocked by the unexpected display of affection. Then Troy stepped into his line of sight, his lips contorted into a smirk, his eyebrows arched.
Guy slowly turned away and headed into the living room.
Nope. Not going there.

K.C. Wells started writing in 2012, although the idea of writing a novel had been in her head since she was a child. But after reading that first gay romance in 2009, she was hooked.
She now writes full time, and the line of men in her head, clamouring to tell their story, is getting longer and longer. If the frequent visits by plot bunnies are anything to go by, that’s not about to change anytime soon.